Farlig avfall piktogram. Hvit trekant på rød bakgrunn med rødt utropstegn i midten.Hazardous waste

Hazardous waste is waste that can harm animals, humans, and the environment even in small quantities if not handled properly. Small amounts of hazardous waste can cause significant damage if they end up in nature. Electrical and electronic products, also known as WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), fall under the category of hazardous waste and contain large amounts of dangerous substances such as mercury, PCBs, lead, etc.

Disposal instructions

Small units of hazardous waste should be placed in regular shopping bags and hung on the plastic hook. Hazardous waste should be stored in original packaging or other tightly sealed labeled packaging. Larger quantities and units of hazardous waste must be delivered to waste reception facilities. This is free of charge for households. Asbestos to be delivered to waste reception facilities must be wrapped in plastic before delivery. See how it MUST be wrapped at agderrenovasjon.no/sortering/hvordan-pakke-inn-asbest/

Examples of hazardous waste

Hobby and photo chemicals, varnish, glue, filler, solvents, printing ink, white spirit, stain removers, pesticides, cleaning agents that are toxic, corrosive or irritating, spray cans (both full and empty), caustic soda (e.g., drain cleaner) and lye.

Note: Paint, stain, oil cans, and similar must be delivered to waste reception facilities, not collected by the waste collection vehicle

What happens to hazardous waste?

Hazardous waste is carefully handled at the reception facilities. It is sorted and sent for recycling or destruction to various recipients.

Piktogram for småelektronikk. Hvit mobiltelefon på oransje bakgrunn.EE-waste

All products that rely on electrical power or batteries to function are referred to as EE products. When these products are to be disposed of, EE waste occurs. EE waste contains harmful compounds such as leadcadmiummercuryPCBs, and brominated flame retardants.

Handling EE-waste

Small electrical and electronic items should be placed in regular shopping bags and hung on the plastic hook. Larger electrical items must be delivered to waste reception facilities. This is free of charge for households.

For waste with memory, such as PCs, mobile phones, tablets, etc., such devices should be delivered to our waste reception facilities due to sensitive information. Before delivering a desktop PC, the hard drive should be removed in advance.

This type of waste is stored in a “Safe drop” at the facility: a solution that makes it safe for customers to deliver WEEE that may contain sensitive data – such as an old mobile phone, laptop, tablet, etc.

Examples of WEEE

All types of batteries (except car batteries), all types of light bulbs, small radios, telephones, shavers, irons, hair dryers, mobile phones, flashing shoes, and similar items.

Good reasons for proper WEEE management

  • Lead is toxic and damages the nervous system, kidneys, and blood formation. Lead compounds can cause fetal damage and reduce fertility.
  • Cadmium is toxic and damages kidneys and bones. Most cadmium compounds are carcinogenic.
  • Mercury is toxic, especially to kidneys, nervous system, and brain. Mercury can also lead to fetal damage.
  • PCBs are toxic and can weaken the immune system and damage the nervous system, fertility, and fetus. PCBs have also shown a negative impact on human learning ability and development.
  • Brominated Flame Retardants have many of the same harmful effects as PCBs.

What happens to WEEE?

Refrigeration furniture (freezers, refrigerators, etc.) is collected at the reception facilities and transported to Norsk Metallretur AS in Kristiansand. Here, they are dismantled and drained of hazardous gases. The recyclable parts of the refrigeration furniture are sent for recycling.

Electrical and electronic waste products are sorted at the reception facilities and sent to Norsk Metallretur AS in Kristiansand, where they are dismantled and sent for recycling. Renas is responsible for commercial electronics, and El-Retur is responsible for electronics and white goods.