What happens to reusable clothes and textiles?

Many organizations collect textiles for reuse. Kirkens Bymisjon, Fretex, UFF, Red Cross, etc., have placed boxes for this purpose in many locations in our municipalities. You can read about what happens to these reusable textiles on the organizations’ respective websites.

At Heftingsdalen, we sort the textiles we receive for our clothing store, Brukbar, and sell the usable items to our residents at a very low price. Damaged clothes go to recycling.

What happens to damaged clothes and textiles?

The damaged textiles go to Norsk Tekstilgjenvinning AS in Sandefjord for material recycling. What can be recycled depends on the textiles, and this may change as they test and gain experience. The incoming items are sorted into: reusable, suitable for material recycling, and residual waste. Down duvets and pillows go to Norsk Dun in Mysen, where they are recycled into new down products.

Tekstiltårn fra Kirkens Bymisjon. Foto